A (very) limited sampling of my work. Choosing which clips to feature is like picking a favorite child.
I'm a generalist, and if you don't see an article about a particular subject but you're wondering if I've covered it, drop me a line

Moncef Slaoui’s “Ambitious Mission” Brought Success and Frustration (New York Academy of Sciences, 2021)

Department of Biomedical Engineering at Columbia University, 20th Anniversary Magazine (Columbia University Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2021)

Pandemic Preparedness and Response (New York Academy of Sciences, 2020)

COVID-19, The Road Ahead (New York Academy of Sciences, 2020)

Staying Safe and Eating Well, 100 Million Miles from Home (New York Academy of Sciences Magazine, 2019)

Thiamine deficiency disorders: diagnosis, prevalence, and a roadmap for global control programs (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2018)

Global prevalence and disease burden of vitamin D deficiency: a roadmap for action in low- and middle-income countries. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2018)

Good Health, from the Ground Up (New York Academy of Sciences Magazine, Spring 2018)

Envisioning a Waste-Free Future (New York Academy of Sciences Magazine, Fall 2017) 

Pre-Approval Access: Can Compassion, Medicine, and Business Co-exist? (NYU School of Medicine, The New York Academy of Sciences, 2016)

Your Phone’s Fingerprint Lock Has a Weakness (Futurity, 2017)

Aging and Nutrition: Novel Approaches and Techniques, (The Sackler Institute for Nutrition Science and the Orentreich Foundation, 2017)

Mobilizing Scientists for Global Sustainability (The New York Academy of Sciences Magazine, 2017) 

The Common Language of Science (German Center for Research and Innovation Annual Report, 2014)

Robot Fish Can Trick the Real Thing (Live Science) 

Bone Crushing Experiments Yield Better Protective Gear (Live Science, NYU Tandon School of Engineering)

Proceedings from the 2016 Blavatnik Science Symposium (The New York Academy of Sciences, The Blavatnik Family Foundation, 2016) 

The Best Job in the World: Women Scientists on Determination, Success, and the Secret They Wish Everyone Knew  (The New York Academy of Sciences Magazine, 2015).

Brooklyn Atlantis: A Robot Captures Life, Litter, in the Gowanus (NYU Tandon School of Engineering)

Running for Research (NYU Research Digest)